Highway 17 Pays Plat

Highway 17 Pays Plat

Pays Plat, ON

Bot is the general contractor for the construction of the new truck climbing lanes, located on Hwy 17 between the Pays Plat First Nation Reserve and the town of Rossport, in Ontario. The $45.5M project’s key elements focus on the construction of the Hwy 17 eastbound and westbound truck climbing lanes as well as enhancing overall safety features on this section of highway. Construction started in the fall of 2022 and continues until the latter half of 2024.

General Scope: Reconstruction of Hwy 17, between Pays Plat River and Rossport, for a length of 7.18km, including:
o Tree clearing (15.1 ha)
o Earth Excavation (95,000 m3)
o Rock Excavation (411,000 m3)
o Wick Drains (88,000 m)
o Asphalt Pavement (94,700 tonnes)
o Granular Material (280,000 tonnes)
o In-Place Full-Depth Reclamation of Bituminous Pavement and Underlying Granular (79,000 m2)
o New Shoulder Rumble Strips (11.9 km)
o New Culverts (+700 m)
o New Steel Beam Guide Rail (+3 km)

Key Elements:

  • New eastbound and westbound truck climbing lanes
  • Sightline improvements
  • Highway alignment improvements
  • Improved drainage
  • New asphalt pavement


Ministry of Transportation