Four-lane twinning of Hwy 11/17, over 14.5 km, from 3.5 km west of Hwy 587, westerly along the north shore of Lake Superior, new intersection at Mackenzie Station Road and extension of Lakeshore Drive.
Key Elements:
Large scale rock (750,000m3) and earth (1,000,000m3) excavation and embankment
Dividing median of 30 m
New intersection access at Birch Beach Road and realignment of existing access to Highway 11/17
Granular production and placement ( 600,000t )
Installation of 49 structural and box culverts, up to 85 m in length
Grading, drainage, hot mix paving and electrical
Asphalt surface, with 7-year Contractor Pavement Design (CPD) warranty